As part of our ongoing commitment to maintain a high quality of life for our citizens through cost-effective and innovative systems, the City of Whiteville is installing a “Smart Utility” system for our water and sewer services. The project includes enhancing nearly every residential and commercial water meter in Whiteville with new, state-of-the art technology that can wirelessly communicate usage data to the City. We had started upgrading the system in March, a process that will take up to four months to complete. Once installed, advanced meter technology will be able to collect multiple remote meter reads per day, allowing for better leak detection and improved customer service while producing long-term savings to customers through more accurate billing down to the gallon. Due to the Smart Utility system installation and the underlying impacts of Covid-19, we have been presented with the opportunity to simplify your billing cycle. Starting in May, utility bills will be mailed out on the 20th of the month and will be due the 10th of the following month. This schedule will better align with monthly disbursements many of our customers receive and our current direct draft date. Moreover, customers with a past due balance as of June 15 will automatically be enrolled in a 6 month installment plan without penalty. It is important to note that our community’s drinking water will remain safe throughout this project. Call the City of Whiteville Utility Services department at 910-642-8046 with questions or feedback. Thank you for visiting our website and check back in with us for updates and new events.